Australian Landscape Photographer

B.Ed (UWA); APPLM MPhotog 1; RePL (UAV Pilots Licence)
Vic commenced his photographic career in the world of horses. Not the racing kind, but dressage, hacking and particularly eventing. He travelled all over the state covering one day and three day events as the WA representative of Rider Magazine and Hoofs and Horns, a magazine supported by the famous RM Williams. He was also one of two photographers accredited to cover the equestrian events at the Perth Royal Show. He built up a great rapport with many of the eventing fraternity and arranged with Range Rover Scholarship winner David Butt to do a regular article about his experiences with Captain Mark Phillip and Princess Ann at Gatcombe Park.
While heavily involved in Equestrian Photography, Vic published, in conjunction with his wife Gill, two very successful Riders Diaries in 1987 and 1988. These were used as a record of progress by members of Pony Clubs and Riding Schools all over the state. This was a great opportunity to showcase many of the more bizarre and amazing photos taken at the many types of events that occurred across events in WA.
Having previously had a career in education, as a High School Physical Education teacher and Head of Department, 1991 was the year Vic made a decision to become a full time professional photographer and he and Gill launched Miller Studios as a wedding, portrait and landscape studio. Based in South Perth this studio became a landmark on Canning Highway for over 30 years. Vic had great success in the wedding photography business, winning numerous awards as a member of the Australian Institute of Professional Photography, where he rapidly rose to the level of Master of Photography. At this time he was also invited to photograph for Perth Bride Magazine, which at the time was the premier bridal magazine for prospective brides in the WA market. In many instances these weddings were in country areas and here Vic was able to build up his portfolio of landscape images as he travelled to the various wedding venues.
It was around this time that the change from film to digital photography was really starting to build some momentum and Vic moved from the darkroom at the studio to the digital era. He was very fortunate to have Miriam Cattalini join his team and set up the digital side of Miller Studios. This was where the high level of post production for which Vic’s work is renowned commenced.
After doing his last wedding in 2009 Vic really devoted his energy towards his landscape photography portfolio. He picked up another major award at this time of a gold bar to his Master of Photography, with entries of exclusively landscape images.
Vic also moved into different modes of capture. One of his favourites was photographing from a hot air balloon at the end of the season when crops had been harvested but rolls of hay were still in the paddocks. This was where the “Paddock Art Collection” was born.
Further expanding his horizons, Vic joined a tour with famed Kimberley Photographer, Nigel Gaunt, and continued with the journey of the study of light for which Nigel is famous. Here was also an opportunity to explore photography by helicopter. Many of the El Questro Wilderness Park and Pentecost River aerials were from this time.
With the love of aerial photography ignited, Vic continued to expand these horizons on returning to Perth. Extensive coverages of Perth beaches and Rottnest Island were initiated from a fixed wing aeroplane, with the assistance of a very capable and talented pilot.
One of the most magnificent areas of the Pilbara region of WA is Karijini National Park. The internationally famous gorges there are very steep and the colours amazing. Vic joined a group led by Peter Eastway, Christian Fletcher and Tony Hewitt, three of the most widely acclaimed photographers in Australia, where he was able to capture images unique in the world. These are a major part of the collection to this day.
With the studio in South Perth operating at top pace, Vic decided in 2012 to open a gallery specifically to showcase the landscapes and Vic Miller Eco Art Photography was launched in Fremantle. The gallery was very popular and the images sold to clients from all over the world, including Texas, Hong Kong, London and Singapore to name a few. This gallery continued until 2015 when Vic closed it and consolidated everything in the South Perth Studio and Gallery.
In April 2020 the studio in South Perth was closed and Vic moved to live in Mandurah WA and set up a smaller operation, consisting of totally landscape images, from home.
During this period, the final part of the puzzle was put in place for aerial capture. Vic gained his Drone Pilots Licence (RePL) and has been capturing more images using this platform, with great success, including APPA Awards. This is an area that will be a major part of the future of Vic’s Eco Art. As a Life Member of the AIPP and more time, without the studio commitment, his passion is to explore more of this magic country. Vic is looking forward to great times ahead.